You know, it's crazy to think how far this kid has come.
As a creative force, I've had many brushes with greatness. After the critically acclaimed Flash film "Asspirates!," which I collaborated on, Dan Paladin later went on to found Behemoth studios and make the games Alien Hominid and Castle Crashers. I also started this little thing called the Clock Crew which provided open source assets and tutorials to young creators, and now my pupils are on Cartoon Network, MTV, and blanketed across the entire media landscape.
But I haven't brought up Ed. When I met Ed, he was just a young man sketching out dead babies on napkins and stray bits of cardboard torn off of cereal boxes. I connected young Edmund with New Jersey punk legends Max the Dork, who not only wrote a theme song for Ed's website, This Is a Cry for Help, but commissioned one of his first commercial art pieces, the cover to the hit 2003 album "Crapital Punishment."
Without this work when he was desperate for employ, he may have given up on his dreams. DingleberryClock is a patron of the arts and helped make Binding of Isaac exist. You're welcome, 21st Century American culture. You wouldn't be the same without me.